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Health & Fitness


[Excerpt] measurement report Nishizaki Hongtai Lang Dr.

摘自【西崎弘太郎】博士的測定報告根據研究,85﹪癌症病患屬於酸性體質。因此,如何使體質維持在弱鹼性就是遠離疾病的第一步。矯正由於攝食偏差所導致酸性體質的不平衡現象,藉著適當調配飲食以改善體質。此表數值並非以一般ph酸鹼值表示,說明如下:日本國立健康營養研究所的西崎弘太郎博士的研究數據,是目前能找得到的大量食材化學實驗結果的唯一文獻。是將 100 公克的食物燃燒成灰分,然後用酸或鹼來滴定中和,每一份食物所需用酸或鹼的量就是表中該食物所附加的數字。酸性用負值,鹼性用正值顯示!可以用語音輸入查詢表中食材酸鹼性,方便實用![Excerpt] measurement report Nishizaki Hongtai Lang Dr.According to the study, 85% of cancer patients are acidic.Therefore, how to maintain the weakly alkaline is the first step away from the disease.Since the correction of deviation caused by ingestion of acidic imbalance,By appropriate allocation of food to improve physical fitness.The table values ​​are not represented in the general ph pH, ​​as follows:Dr. Nishizaki research data Hongtai Lang Japans National Institute of Nutrition health, is currently the only literature can find a large number of experimental results of chemical ingredients. 100 g food is burning ash minutes, then treated with an acid or base and titration, an amount of food every desired acid or base is used in the food table the appended figures.Acid negative value, the basic value display! You can use voice input look-up table food acidity, convenient and practical!

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Peter Liew

食物的酸鹼分類和 pH 值是完全不同的兩種東西。食物的酸鹼是指人體消化後的殘餘物的酸鹼。例如檸檬自身是非常酸的 (citrus acid), 但經消化後的 citrate 甚或 bicarbonate 就是鹼性的。所以檸檬被例為鹼性食物。 西崎博士的燃燒再中和方法和消化殘餘物的概念又是否一致呢?

Jimmy Choi